Saturday, September 28, 2019

Doom Annihilation Fil Review

First off I am a big fan of the Video Game franchise by ID Software. My first experience with the Doom franchise was when I was young, I played it on my Uncle's PC. Oh what a glorious action packed decent through hell and it's minions. The next time I visited the Doom franchise was when Doom 3 was released on Xbox. I got the collecter's edition which also came with Doom 1 and 2. At the time, I beat the trilogy and was stoked at the awesomeness that was the Doom trilogy. Then they came out with the first Doom film. I was so excited to see how they were going to portrait this video game adaptation. I went to the theatres to watch it. I went in looking forward to it, came out sad and depressed at how they royally screwed this movie up. But at least the first film, featured Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Then I saw this movie was up to stream and watch. I had recently played Doom 2016 on PS4. I am not a fan of shooter games on PS4, because of the controls, but I still gave it a try. And boy howdy, was I wrong. That game was fantastic, loved every single minute of it. It left me wanting more. So I was super excited to hear they were making Doom Eternal as a follow up game. But at one point a few months ago, I was surfing the internet when I came upon the announcement of a new Doom film entitled Doom Annihilation. I decided to watch it because I was a fan of the franchise. And I thought, surelt they would have learned from their mistakes and wouldn't make another horrible Doom film, or at least not as bad as the first film. Oh boy was I wrong. Stupid and lame story and plot, unknown C listed actors. I feel like I just wasted an hour and a half of my life, that I will now never be able to get back. I had dislocated and shattered my Femur last year and that was still less excruciating and painful then this film. Do yourself a favor, save your 15$ and don't waste your time with this horrible abomination of a film, you'll thank me later. I give Doom Annihilation a brutal 3.79 ou of 10. You should be ashamed with producing this pile of garbage.

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